jkone27Comparing |> Gleam ⭐️ |> F#🦔At the moment of writing F# has 3.9k stars vs Gleam has 17.6k but let’s compare them a bit shall we?Sep 24, 20241Sep 24, 20241
jkone27Comparing Go and F#While reading learn go in y minutes some time ago, I noticed some common «concepts» in the language design of go-lang and F#, a language…Mar 29, 2021Mar 29, 2021
jkone27Comparing JavaScript to F# 😺In this short post, I will try to make a comparison between JavaScript and F#Jul 25, 2021Jul 25, 2021
jkone27Comparing F# to Java ☕️OO, streams and reactive computations along the wayDec 19, 20222Dec 19, 20222
jkone27F# is the .NET Rust🦀 Rust is a very cool language! let’s compare it with F#!May 19, 20234May 19, 20234
jkone27F#5 like a Pythonist on steroidscripting with #r nuget and comparing some python synthaxMar 26, 2021Mar 26, 2021